14 Sept 2010

Completed projects so far

Not much is happening, I decided to continue with the challenging Blade Liger and try to assemble the rest of the legs. Here are projects I manage to complete.
The felt teddy pattern is from a website and originally scanned from a Japanese book. I can't find the link to site as maybe closed down. I had trouble sewing the head because the parts wouldn't fit together and not happy with the eyes as they are too far apart.
I brought K and Company mini memory book kit to give scrap book a go. I was going to do art journalling but dislike the thought of having my private musing open to the public (doesn't matter because I rant in my blog anyway.) and because haven't done any altered books for a long time.
View of inner pages, I tend to use scraps already in my collect as diecuts and decoupage sheets are of no use to me. Printed images of various photos on the self adhesive paper. Some of the materials in my collection haven't been used for years.
Turns out there wasn't room to add everything in the kit, I had a flap which opens to reveal more imagery. I noticed K and Company scrapbook material tend to be compatible with each other. Over collaging is tend to be a habit of mine the underneath imagery is obliterated by the layer above. 


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